Our Products In Use

St Mary's Church, Hamilton

Hamilton, ON

St Mary's Church in Hamilton, Ontario is a designated heritage building and one of the oldest churches in the city. The exterior of the church had become damaged over time and needed to be restored.

The challenge was to restore the exterior of the church in a way that did not compromise its historical integrity. The work also needed to be completed with minimal disruption to traffic and pedestrians.

Senergy Stucco was used to repair and replace the stucco on the exterior of the church. Senergy Stucco is a high-quality stucco that is durable and long-lasting. It was also able to match the existing stucco on the church, ensuring that the historical integrity of the building was maintained.

The project began with the preparation of the exterior of the church. The existing stucco was removed and the surface was cleaned. Senergy Stucco was then applied to the surface in layers. Each layer was allowed to dry before the next layer was applied. Once the stucco was complete, the windows and doors were restored and the exterior of the church was painted.

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