These color chips represent shades of integral colors based on medium tone gray Type I-II Portland cement with a 4" slump. They are intended as a guideline only, as actual color may vary due to factors such as cement and aggregate shade variations, mix design, water volume, admixtures, finishing, and sealer.
Mix at full speed for 5 minutes or 60 revolutions for ColorFlo Liquid Color, or 10 minutes or 100 revolutions at 75% speed for Dry Integral Color or Granular Color.
Add color directly to the truck for small or rounded aggregates, sand-blasted or exposed aggregate finishes.
Maintain a 4" slump (low water to cement ratio).
Do not use calcium chloride.
For Dry Integral Color in repulpable bags, remove the top portion of the bag and add it to the concrete mix at optimal mixing speed.
Color saturation point is 7% by dry weight based on total cementitious material.
Optimum pigment loading range is 2% to 4%.
908 Carbon Black requires sealing with a Brickform concrete sealer to prevent dissipation.
Carbon particles reduce entrained air during mixing.
Color added in excess of 10% can reduce overall strength.
Color below 1% can cause irregular coloring and a "washed out" appearance.
Warranty covers product conformity to stated standards and uniform, limeproof, and sunfast color if properly mixed and applied.